well i have recently turned 18 and psycho tropical island is a go! and i have the setting and characters all figured out. think of every serial killer imagined and they are stuck on a tropical island sounds good huh? well u tell me. and also i might see banksys first art exhibition in bristol. more news to follow. and thank you to shaskala-1 (sorry if i mispelled your name) for giving me the title of the new webcomic which will be handrawn with pen and will be scanned and posted on the new website.
happy eighteen my friend
now you're legal to drink and fuck chicks
and get them pregnant
then get fucked out by her dad
and you guys run away together
and have a family
with 23 kids
then eventually dying because of diarrhea
how are ya?
LOL! im great man and thanks i might go on a pub crawl soon.